So I'm several months into my second contract year here in Korea, and the frequency of my blogging has really fallen off. I had attributed that to my new schedule, but things have fairly well leveled out and I'm finding myself with more free time the days (ie no excuses). Let's catch up, shall we?
These pictures are in chronological order and, as my blog byline states, they're truly a spasmodic sampling. I could write about these things, but they say a picture is worth a thousand words, right? Consider this a less boring alternative to 50,000 words on the last couple of months in Korea.
My apartment:
Well actually I don't have any pics of my aparment yet. It doesn't seem to stay clean long enough to take them... Here's some other stuff instead:
They're constructing a large building at the university near my house. I discovered that construction site security isn't as stringent as it is in the states. And that there's somethign terrifying about going 17 stories up in an unfinished elevator. |
I brought Jaclyn. Big enough for an impromptu ballet recital... Unfortunately, I've been sternly warned against posting the video. |
Nice view. When you see the city from above, it's easier to understand it's motto is, "Colorful Daegu," instead of, "Grey Concrete and Faded Pastel Paint Daegu." |
This is a black monkfish burger.
This is a monkfish. Who knew? Obviously not me. |
Jaclyn, overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of our Welfare students. |
This is what Goa looks like when she's helping with the dishes. |
This is supposed to be me. Very funny, Se-rin. |
That purple mass on the right is a backpack. |
Zzim-dak delivery. My favorite. |
Jaclyn has loved acting domestic since she got the pink kitten apron and matching gloves. |
Jinhae. We went for the cherry blossoms, but were a few days early. I opted for a picture of this building instead of the bare trees. |
And the views. View 1. |
View 2. |
And this funny sign. |
Jaclyn is getting into mountain biking. |
Goa has been working on her Dracula impression. |
An Easter Sunday surprise. |
This is a nice park we went to for the first warm day of spring. |
And where hundreds of old dudes congregate to play (and watch) this game. |
Cherry blossoms. Thousands of people in the park, this was the least-packed picture I could get. |
Scenic temple in the middle of Daegu.
Something about it really got Jaclyn thinking. |
Lonely cat. |
Nice tea-house on a hilltop. |
Attempt at being artistic. |
I just realized this picture is off-center. |
One of Daegu's many huge rivers, reflecting the ubiquitous concrete block-apartments. |
I ended up here when I got lost hiking. The people on the trail just on the other side of that fence sure were giving me funny looks. |
Street in Daegu. |
Saw Titanic 100 years after the Titanic sank, to the day. In 4-D. |
Downtown Daegu. |
For earth day: an entire street covered in chalk that will inevitably end up in the groundwater. Pretty though. |
From Palgon Mountain outside of Daegu. |
Two-story staring contest. |
Fishing in Ulsan. |
I was in an artistic mood that day apparently. |
And it was windy. |
Dragon boat festival. |
Ilsan Pada. |
Hutongs make an appearance in Daegu from time to time. |
Bullo-Dong tombs. Where's Waldo? |
Ballet in Bullo-Dong. |
Further attempt at an artistic picture. |
The supermoon, 4:45 a.m. Haeundae Beach, Busan. My phone thought the four shots would look better I guess? |
First Korean sunrise. Surprised it took this long. |
That should pretty much bring you up to speed. Sorry the post is so loaded with bandwidth-taxing pictures. If it's any consolation, my computer crashed when I tried to upload them all in one go. Better enjoy them!